Beast or the Lamb

A choice is before you. Will you give in to the nature and deception of the Beast or will you stand firm in the nature of the Lamb?

In this book, Derek Prince reveals what the Scriptures really say about Satan, the Antichrist and the mark of the Beast and why Jesus Christ as the Lamb is so important.

Format: Paperback
Language: English
Sale price$23.99 NZD Regular price$28.99 NZD
We see evidence of the Antichrist and his spirit in the chaos, fear, hate, deceit, arrogance and cruelty both in news headlines and in the world around us. Our ancient enemy is cunning, and his subtle deceptions can infiltrate an unsuspecting heart—and church. When we don't know or take seriously the daily relevance of the Bible's teaching on Satan and the end times, we can unwittingly get swept up in his schemes.
Author: Derek Prince
Subject: Spiritual Warfare and End Times
Study Level: Beginner
Available Languages: English, English USA
Pages: 220*
Product Code:
Related ISBNs: ISBN-9780800762537 | | EB-537
SKUs: ISBN-9780800762537, , EB-537
Sample Link: View online
* Approximate, subject to edition.

Physical Product Dimensions

Height: 215 mm
Width: 140 mm
Thickness: 13 mm
Weight: 280 g

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