Will You Intercede?

As long as there is an intercessor, there is hope

The calling to intercession is one of the highest and most powerful ministries open to any believer. It requires boldness and conviction.Will you be one who will answer this call?

Format: Paperback
Language: English
Sale price$4.99 NZD

The calling to intercession is one of the highest and most powerful ministries open to any believer. It requires boldness and conviction. Will you be one who will answer this call?

The intercessor comes "in between" God and the object of His just wrath, to beseech the Lord for His grace and mercy instead.

Will you be one who will answer this call? Often, all God requires is one willing soul. Will it be you?

Customer Reviews:

"We all need to intercede. A relevant question for our time."

"A very essential book to read with knowledge about prayer. Intercession is amazing, and this is a great pattern for intercessors."

Author: Derek Prince
Subject: Prayer & Fasting
Study Level: Beginner
Available Languages: English
Pages: 64*
Product Code:
Related ISBNs:
SKUs: ISBN-244, EB-244
Sample Link: View online
* Approximate, subject to edition.

Physical Product Dimensions

Height: 180 mm
Width: 110 mm
Thickness: 4 mm
Weight: 64 g

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