Overcoming Guilt, Shame and Rejection

Let the Lord heal your soul.

Three of our deepest wounds are emotional, not physical: Guilt, Shame and Rejection. Jesus offers total healing - but only at the Cross.

Format: MP3
Language: English
Sale price$4.99 NZD

Nearly all of us experience these three negative emotions at one time or another, but the death of Jesus on the cross offers us full deliverance and victory.

Author: Derek Prince
Subject: Spiritual Warfare, Christian Living, and Healing
Study Level: Beginner
Available Languages: English
Product Code:
Number of Discs: 1
Related ISBNs: ACD-4427 | DVD-4427 | MP3-OGSR
SKUs: ACD-4427, DVD-4427, MP3-OGSR

Physical Product Dimensions

Height: 125 mm
Width: 145 mm
Thickness: 10 mm
Weight: 55 g
Number of Discs: 1

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