Objective for Living: To Do God’s Will

What am I living for?

Do you have an objective in life? Aimlessness is a tragic waste of any human life, but God has planned unique objectives for every person.

Format: CD
Language: English
Sale price$14.99 NZD

Do you have an objective in life? Are you clear about it? Do you know what it is? - or are you perhaps just drifting? You may have talent, intelligence, special abilities, but - without an objective - you will accomplish very little of permanent value, and you will probably end in frustration.

Aimlessness is a tragic waste of any human life, but God has planned unique objectives for every person. Herein lies one of the greatest benefits and blessings of the Christian life as God planned it: it provides each one of us with an objective for living.

This product contains 5 radio messages of 12 minutes each.

Author: Derek Prince
Subject: Spiritual Warfare
Study Level: Beginner
Available Languages: English
Product Code:
Number of Discs: 1
Related ISBNs: ACD-096 | MP3-OFL
SKUs: ACD-096, MP3-OFL

Physical Product Dimensions

Height: 125 mm
Width: 145 mm
Thickness: 10 mm
Weight: 55 g
Number of Discs: 1

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