Healing the Bitter Pool

Disappointment can be a huge challenge in our lives.

Often man's disappointments are God's appointments - but we can only discover His purposes in them as we respond in faith.

Format: MP3
Language: English
Sale price$4.99 NZD
Derek Prince paints a picture of how we can unexpectedly encounter the bitter water of disappointment in our lives from the history of the people of Israel in the desert. However, if we respond in the right way, God will sweeten our bitter waters and give us a new, deeper revelation of Himself. He restores the song, the joy in our lives and deepens our relationship with Him.
Author: Derek Prince
Subject: Healing, Spiritual Growth, and Christian Living
Study Level: Beginner
Available Languages: English
Product Code: MP3-HTBP
Number of Discs:
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Weight: 0 g
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