Faith to Live By

Faith is a promise and a command

Discover techniques that will build your faith in God and empower you to do what would otherwise be impossible. Easy to read and based on the scriptures, this book is a resource for every Christian who wants to receive the promises of a faith-filled life.

Format: Book
Language: Gujarati
Sale price$4.99 NZD
The dynamics, the promises, the power of faith - all are explored in this insightful book.  Derek Prince answers your questions about faith, such as: what is faith? How, in practical terms can I live my life in faith? How can my faith grow stronger.


Author: Derek Prince
Subject: Spiritual Growth and Christian Living
Study Level: Beginner
Available Languages: English, Gujarati, Indonesian, Nepali
Pages: 177*
Product Code:
Related ISBNs: ISBN-591_(2008) | B-29GU | B-29IND | B-29NEP | EB-591
SKUs: ISBN-591_(2008), B-29GU, B-29IND, B-29NEP, EB-591
* Approximate, subject to edition.

Physical Product Dimensions

Height: 210 mm
Width: 140 mm
Thickness: 10 mm
Weight: 230 g

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