Benefits of Redemption

What are the spiritual curses from which Christ has delivered us? Likewise, what are the spiritual blessings which Christ has made available to us?

Has God made a way for us to be delivered from the slavery of the kingdom of darkness to become heirs of the kingdom of light? Yes, He has. The way that God has made for us is through the death of Jesus Christ on our behalf. On the cross, Jesus took upon Himself the curses due to us by our disobedience so that, in turn, we might enter into the blessings Jesus earned by His obedience. These blessings cover the whole area of the kingdom of light. Both the curses and the blessings are worked out in three main areas of our lives: spiritual, physical and material.

Format: Book
Language: Khmer
Sale price$4.99 NZD
Has God made a way for us to be delivered from the slavery of the kingdom of darkness to become heirs of the kingdom of light? Yes, He has. The way that God has made for us is through the death of Jesus Christ on our behalf. On the cross, Jesus took upon Himself the curses due to us by our disobedience so that, in turn, we might enter into the blessings Jesus earned by His obedience. These blessings cover the whole area of the kingdom of light. Both the curses and the blessings are worked out in three main areas of our lives: spiritual, physical and material.
Author: Derek Prince
Subject: The Cross, Spiritual Growth, and Spiritual Warfare
Study Level: Beginner
Available Languages: Khmer
Pages: *
Product Code: BK004KM
Related ISBNs: BK004KM
* Approximate, subject to edition.

Physical Product Dimensions

Height: 175 mm
Width: 110 mm
Thickness: 3 mm
Weight: 30 g

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